Hailing from the Seneca Land District of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Harmonic Collective is a chorus home for men in the Central New York area and beyond to sing, learn, and fellowship at the highest level.
Made up of amateur and professional singers from all over CNY, Harmonic Collective is more than just a chorus - we compete, do community outreach, and perform year-round! All ages and experience levels are welcome! Join us Sundays from 5-8pm in the Liverpool Masonic Lodge (608 Oswego St., Liverpool)!
Harmonic Collective Represents at International Contest
In July of 2024, we represented the Seneca Land District in Cleveland, Ohio, at the Barbershop Harmony Society's International Chorus Contest. We could not have done it with out the tireless support of friends and family. We learned so much throughout the week - attending classes, watching other choruses rehearse, singing together with other barbershoppers from around the world, and bonding together as a chorus! We were so honored to represent our District and we hope that we made the Seneca Land District proud. We can’t wait to see what happens next!
Harmonic Collective punches ticket to Cleveland 2024
After a great weekend at Onondaga Community College hosting the Seneca Land District Fall Contest, Harmonic Collective is thrilled to announce they have earned a spot to return to the BHS International Chorus Competition next summer in Cleveland, OH! Representing the Seneca Land District on the world’s biggest barbershop stage is truly an honor and one we are so very excited and proud to have the chance to return to. We congratulate all our fellow competitors, quartets and choruses, and thank everyone for coming to Syracuse for convention - it was wonderful to sing and fellowship together again!